Sunday, May 29, 2011

aaaaaand we're back

Wow it has been a long time since I have even looked at this blog!
There are a couple of reasons I fail to write regularily. 1.) I feel like a total nerd when i do (bloggers are not known to be the coolest people). Although I was homeschooled until 9th grade so i guess that automatically makes me a nerd. YES! 2.) I find myself typing what I think is funny, but then second guess myself and hit the delete button about a hundred times. This causes hand cramps and my fingers can't take the pain. I guess i suffer from writers block, or maybe i should call it bloggers block? No that sounds like a bowel problem, I'll stick to writers block.

Anywho I am back and writing again.
My real inspiration came from my friend Dani. She actualy has a blog that is worth reading...check it out:

So if you like random blog posts about funny/weird/insightful/crazy/sad/amazing things then this is the place for you.

I will leave you with my favorite picture of the moment...enjoy (who doesn't love a creepy troll child popping out of a drawer???).

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